Duby and Cathy

Duby and Cathy
we'd like to think we'd look like this- if we were 'white' ;) ....

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Follow? ;)

Dear guys,
Not that I stalk or anything, but I have noticed an increase in the number and variety of page views lately. Of course I am ecstatic( Sri Lanka? Germany? Wow).

And even though we only have 4 followers, I know that some people still read this anyway- just without subscribing or commenting.

But it would still be nice, anyway, if some of you subscribe just to let me know you're even vaguely interested in what we write. It would just be a little encouraging- and we would really appreciate it.

Even if you CAN  read all our posts without subscribing-we would really like you too anyway.

Or, even( and I'm just throwing this out there) possibly comment?

Well, either way we'll still be here writing for you, and for us.
