I know once again, it has been months since I wrote you all. Too much work= too little time and inspiration.
However, I've been reading in a lot of articles lately, and hearing from some friends too, how a lot of guys are tired of girls who act like princess, and expect guys to treat them that way. They criticize children's fairy tales and Disney princess's for giving women the wrong attitudes.
So here's my take on things. To start off, I believe there is a huge misconception of what it means to act 'like a princess'.
For me being a princess, isn't about having a sense of entitlement, being perfect, or expecting the perfect guy to come up out of no where and sweep you off your feet.
Rather, what I've learnt from princess movies and magical fairy tales, is more than that. I've learnt that being a princess means seeing the good in all people you meet, and treating everyone with the utmost importance. It means carrying yourself with grace and a sense that you are special and a gift to everyone you meet. Everyone gets a gracious smile- friend or foe. It's having the beauty within shine through and complement the beauty without.
In terms of love, a true princess doesn't have some presumption about who that person is. Think Cinderella, Bella, Sleeping beauty, and snow white- their princes came unexpectedly, and they loved them freely 'following their heart'. A true princess won't mess with the guy she meets, and because she genuinely treats all people well, everyone has a chance. But the truth is, in the end she knows that the right one will show through. And that doesn't necessarily mean some alpha male. It means the guy who sees through her- sees her soul- ,wants to see the world through her unique eyes. Someone who truly loves her- because she knows what she's worth.
Being a princess is speaking kind words, living with ease and seeing situations with optimism. It's about having hope, and feeling at peace with yourself, God, and others around you. Feeling free and light.
Fairy tales were apart of my past, and I still listen to some of my favourite soundtracks for inspiration and as a reminder of the princess I am, the princess we can all be. When I get older, I'll read these fairy tales to my children- teach them to see the world with magic and fantasy, as well as with reality.
I'll raise them to be princes and princesses- to be the best version of themselves always.
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