Duby and Cathy

Duby and Cathy
we'd like to think we'd look like this- if we were 'white' ;) ....

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The bold and the beautiful

There is something about poetry that is amazing. Every day we speak words that we never know the value of. when you mix and match two very dissimilar words both serving one purpose the moment is alive and the sound is as sweet as a thousand drums being played in symphony. But there is something about a writer that is concealed, you cannot write so much without thinking so deep. Still we might only ever get to write a millionth of what we think, And I guess that is why sometimes you do not need to have a complete  story...just a line that will lead the way to others.

When I write I am telling a secret that is still a secret because you can never fully comprehend in much the same way that you cannot ask a bird to describe its adventures. But you can still look up at the sky and marvel at its flight because that is what life is about; unanswered questions, unhindered thoughts, and wild hints that guide us through.

I will always encourage a person to write what they think rather than say it. That to me is the fundamental difference between a novel and speech. One is a moment, the other is eternity .And yet both are an outlet, built upon the same emotions and that same inspiration. It is just that the speech maker was brave while the writer was valiant....playing even his last piece if that is what he needed to protect his king and capture his opponent....willing to give all to keep one. Perfecting the house to the last brick.

Some write and some speak- some are bold and some are beautiful. some are old and some are wise  But we have the same intention; we carve the footsteps we want others to step in.



  1. Hehe. I'm beginning to get you guys. Even though "Duby" has been on a spree, I still start each article wondering which author it is.

    But I'm beginning to get you guys. Duby the chess metaphor was a dead give away. Cathy seems to like beautifully composed, mind-boggling poetry. That too was a dead giveaway. At least until I read "hearts and pieces; le chat et le renard"... What does that even mean "le chat et le renard"?

    OK, maybe I don't fully get you guys. Still, both of you have reminded me: "there is a certain wisdom in youth".

  2. The cat and the fox!

    I didn't google it, I swear.

  3. Woohoo!! Go Duby- you've been on one heck of a writing spree eh? ....i gotta get some inspiration!!
    And Thank you Shaggy- yes, wisdom knows no age or time ;)
